Ma inte na nce
Your GP500 system requires no maintenance except for replacement of
remote control batteries when they reach the end of their useful life. For
further information on this, see the Automatic low battery warning and Remote
control battery replacement sections on page 13.
This product, like any electrical device on your motorcycle, requires that
your motorcycle battery be in proper working order and fully charged. To
ensure proper operation, periodically have your motorcycle battery
“load-checked” at any local garage/mechanic and ask them to verify that the
charging system is working properly. Also make sure that the battery cables
and connections are tight and free from corrosion.
User’s Manual/299
We lcome to the world of hig h-te chnolog y
ve hicle se curity a nd conve nie nce
ongratulations on the purchase of your GP500 motorcycle
security/convenience system.
Your re mote controls
The weather resistant pair of remote controls that are provided with GP500
are ultra-sophisticated miniature radio transmitters powered by a single
miniature battery (a 3-volt lithium).
Re motely controlling your GP500
Each of your two remote controls can command several different functions.
Press button I on the remote control. You will
hear two chirps and the indicator lights will flash
twice. The LED will flash repeatedly.
Press button I on the remote control. One chirp
and one indicator light flash confirms disarming
and the LED turns off.
By pressing button II on the remote control, you
can arm or disarm your GP500 with all the
indications previously noted except the chirps.
For three seconds, continually press button I on the
remote control. The indicator lights will flash
repeatedly and the siren will blare until you press
the button again to turn it off.
User’s Manual/299
Press button III on the remote control and hold
for three seconds. Two indicator light flashes
confirm that GP500 will NOT AutoArm. If you
press and hold button III for three seconds once
more, the system will respond with one indicator
light flash which means that AutoArming has been
reactivated. The next time the motorcyle is
parked, the GP500 system resumes normal
AutoArming operations.
Other features can be accessed as noted in the
following chart:
b utton(s)
Arm or d isa rm
Sile ntly a rm or d isa rm
Insta nt AutoArming Byp a ss (p re ss a nd hold b utton for thre e se cond s
while system is d isa rme d )
Dua l-Le ve l Pie zo Se nsor Wa rning Le ve l Byp a ss (p re ss b utton within
10 se cond s a fte r a rming the syste m)
Dua l-Le ve l Pie zo Se nsor Tota l Byp a ss (p re ss a nd hold b utton for
thre e se cond s within 10 se cond s a fte r a rming the system)
Dig ita l Tilt/ Motion Se nsor Wa rning Zone Byp a ss (p re ss b uttons
within 10 se cond s a fte r system is a rme d )
Dig ita l Tilt/ Motion Se nsor Tota l Byp a ss (p re ss a nd hold b uttons for
thre e se cond s within 10 se cond s a fte r system is a rme d )
Dua l-Le ve l Pie zo Se nsor Ad justme nt (p re ss a nd hold b uttons for
thre e se cond s while syste m is d isa rme d . Se e p a g e 21 for comp le te
I + II
Una ssig ne d *
Una ssig ne d *
* Can be assigned to Clifford ACG-2 systems on your other vehicles.
User’s Manual/299
ACG-2™ (Anti-Cod e Gra b b ing 2™)
Clifford’s ACG-2 protects your motorcycle from thieves’ remote control
“cloning” devices that are used to record the disarming code transmitted
from your remote.
Automa tic re mote control low-b a ttery wa rning
If your remote control battery is very low, you will hear five rapid chirps when
you disarm rather than the single chirp that you normally hear.
Re mote control b a ttery rep la ce me nt
Any Authorized Clifford Dealer will be happy to replace a remote control
battery for you without cost provided you purchase the replacement battery
at their shop (it’s also a good idea to keep a spare battery on-hand just in case).
1. Insert a small, thin screwdriver blade in the slot near the keyring opening
(you may leave the keyring in place) and turn it to separate the two
2. Remove the old battery noting the + and – indications and replace it.
3. Put the enclosure back together by first aligning the top of the remote,
then snapping the case back together at the bottom.
Two-Point Inte rna l Immob ilisa tion
Please be aware that the AutoArming feature has no effect on
Immobilisation. The system automatically immobilizes your vehicle’s starter
and ignition 30 seconds after engine shutdown or when you arm with the
remote control.
When you remotely disarm your GP500 system, the Immobilisation circuits
will automatically disengage. You then have 30 seconds in which to start the
engine (or turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position).
If more than 30 seconds pass, the immobilizer will automatically reactivate.
This will be visually indicated by the LED repeatedly flashing, but at a slower
rate than that of the normal rapid “armed” indication flash rate.
To d isa rm the Im m ob ilize r if it ha s a rm e d itse lf, use the
re m ote control to a rm a nd the n d isa rm the syste m , or
turn on the ig nition a nd p re ss b utton I on the re m ote
User’s Manual/299
AutoArming ™
If this feature is enabled and you forget to remotely arm. After 30 seconds
pass, the system is automatically armed. In instances where you want to
bypass AutoArming, such as when fueling the motorcycle, simply turn the
ignition on and then off again after you have parked.
Dig ita l Dua l-Zone Tilt/ Motion Se nsor
Clifford’s Digital Tilt/Motion Sensor detects one degree of tilting or any
minute forward/reverse motion of the motorcycle while completely ignoring
all other conditions that falsely set off other sensors. Even if you park your
motorcycle on the steepest hill, it will accurately respond to the first hint of
The Digital/Tilt Motion Sensor will first provide a five chirp warning if the
motorcycle tilts more than one degree. Once the motorcycle tilts more than
two degrees, the full alarm will sound.
During the first 10 seconds after arming the
system remotely, simultaneously press buttons II
and III on the remote control. The system
provides four indicator light flashes when the
warning zone is bypassed.
During the first 10 seconds after arming the
system remotely, simultaneously press buttons II
and III on the remote control and hold for three
seconds. The system provides four indicator light
flashes to indicate when the warning zone is
bypassed, and another four indicator light flashes
when both zones are bypassed.
Fully Adjusta ble Dua l-Level Piezo Sensor
The Dual-Level Piezo Sensor detects vibration and impacts to the
motorcycle. If someone were to lean on or sit on the motorcycle, the primary
zone of this sensor would trigger the full alarm. However, if a thief lightly
bumped the motorcycle, a four chirp warning would sound.
User’s Manual/299
With the ignition turned OFF. Press buttons II
and III simultaneously for three seconds. The
system will respond with one chirp.
To adjust the warning level of the sensor, you
must have the ignition turned ON, to adjust the
trigger level of the sensor, turn the ignition OFF.
• Press button II to decrease sensitivity. A single
chirp confirms each decrease in sensitivity.
• Press button III to increase sensitivity. Two
chirps confirm each increase in sensitivity.
• Three chirps indicate that you are at the top or
bottom of the 16 step incremental range.
Test your settings by lightly thumping on the
motorcycle. One chirp signals an alarm trigger
level detection, two chirps signal a warning level
Press button I on the remote control to save the
new settings.
During the first 10 seconds after arming the
system remotely, press button III on the remote
control. The system provides four indicator light
flashes when the warning level is bypassed.
During the first 10 seconds after arming the
system remotely, press button III on the remote
control and hold for three seconds. The system
provides four indicator light flashes to indicate
when the warning level is bypassed, and another
four indicator light flashes when both levels are
He lme t The ft Prote ction Syste m
Loop the helmet theft prevention wire through the item to be secured.
Connect the hook at the end of the loop under the seat. Close the seat
making sure it is firmly latched and arm the system.
User’s Manual/299
Fa lse Ala rm Pre ve ntion & FACT™
With Clifford’s patented FACT (False Alarm Control and Test) feature,
you’ll never experience repeated false alarms. If the siren sounds, DO NOT
remotely disarm the system; allow it to run for the full 30-second siren
duration. Before sounding the siren a second time, the system automatically
checks for another activated sensor or trigger. Should the siren sound again,
you will know for sure that someone is tampering with your motorcycle. (If
you wish, you may turn off FACT, see the Table of Programmable features on
page 32.)
How to inte rp re t the chirp s a nd fla she s
Chirp s/ fla she s
Me a ning
You ha ve d isa rme d the syste m
You ha ve a rme d the syste m
Disa rme d b ut the re wa s a n intrusion a tte mp t while you
we re a wa y (se e Sma rt p rior intrusion a tte m p t on the
following p a g e )
Arme d b ut the He lme t The ft Pre ve ntion system or se nsor
ha s ma lfunctione d a nd ha s b e e n b yp a sse d (se e Sma rt
Autote sting b e low).
How to interpret the LED sta tus indica tor
LED Cond ition
Mea ning
System is d isa rmed
Syste m is a rme d
Fla shing Ste a d ily
(Ig nition off)
Fla shing ra p id ly
(ig nition off)
AutoArming Countd own
Fla shing slowly
Syste m is d isa rme d b ut Immob ilisa tion p oints a re
(ig nition on or off) e ng a g e d (se e p a g e 15)
Eithe r a ma lfunction (se e Sma rt AutoTe sting b e low) or
a n intrusion wa s a tte mp te d (se e Sma rt p rior intrusion
a tte mp t a le rt on p a g e 27)
Pa use b e twe e n slow
fla she s (ig nition on)
Automa tic Ba ttery-Sa ving Mode
To conserve motorcycle battery power (the LED draws more current than
the entire control unit), if the system has remained continuously armed for
24 hours, the flash rate will automatically slow to half the normal rate.
User’s Manual/299
Sma rt AutoTe sting ™
Each time you remotely arm the system, it tests all triggers and sensors. For
example, if the Helmet Theft Prevention System is active, you will receive
the usual 2 chirps and flashes, then, 5 seconds later, there will be 4 chirps
and 4 flashes. If a sensor is malfunctioning, you will receive the usual 2 chirps
and 2 flashes, then, 10 seconds later, there will be 4 chirps and 4 flashes.
Note that when you receive these indications that the system will still arm
even though a trigger or sensor is malfunctioning.
NO TE: Since this is a w a rning in d ica tion, you w ill he a r
the 4 chirp s e ve n if you use the chirp m uting fe a ture .
n Sp e cific ma lfunction id e ntifica tion: The system can also
indicate the specific trigger or sensor that is malfunctioning. If you get
the 4-chirp/4-flash signal upon arming, perform the following to
identify the malfunctioning trigger or sensor:
1. Remotely disarm, then turn on the ignition. The LED status indicator will
be flashing, pause, then repeat.
2. Count the number of flashes in one cycle between pauses (for your
convenience, the flash cycle repeats a total of 5 times) and refer to the
following chart:
LED fla she s
1 fla sh
Me a ning
Ig nition switch wa s turned on
2 fla she s
3 fla she s
4 fla she s
Activa tion of Dig ita l Tilt/ Motion Se nsor
Activa tion of Dua l-Le ve l Pie zo Se nsor
Activa tion of he lme t the ft p re ve ntion d e vice
Op tiona l a d d itiona l trig g er wa s a ctiva te d (such a s a se a t
trig g er)
5 fla she s
6 fla she s
7 fla she s
8 fla she s
Activa tion of Pa nic Fe a ture / Re mote Vehicle Loca tor
Thre e or more incorre ct PIN cod e s we re e nte re d via the
Pla inVie w 2 switch
Low re mote control b a tte ry
Automa tic ma lfunction b yp a ss with AutoRe Monitoring ™
Even if a system component malfunctions, the system will automatically
bypass any faulty point and arm all other triggers and sensors to protect the
vehicle until you can have the system serviced by your local Authorized
Clifford Dealer.
User’s Manual/299
Sma rt p rior intrusion a ttempt a lert
If you hear three chirps when you remotely disarm, it means that a trigger or
sensor was activated in your absence. When you turn on the ignition (or start
the engine), the LED will flash 1-8 times, pause, then repeat the flash cycle 4
more times. Count the number of flashes in one cycle and refer to the chart
on the previous page.
Eig ht-Eve nt Tota lRe ca ll™
Your GP500 system’s memory records the identity of the last eight activated
or malfunctioning triggers and sensors in reverse chronological order, which
allows your installer to instantly track down malfunctions.
1. Remotely arm and disarm while pressing and holding the unmarked
button on the PlainView 2 switch.
2. The LED will flash 1-8 times to indicate the most recently activated
point, pause, flash 1-8 times to indicate the second most recently
activated point, and so on.
3. Write down the number of flashes between pauses and refer to the chart
on the previous page.
Sma rtPowe rUp ™ 2
If power to the system is ever removed, SmartPowerUp 2 ensures that your
GP500 system automatically restores itself to its previous state when power is
restored. So if a thief disconnects the power and then restores it in an
attempt to start the motorcycle, the system will re-arm and instantly sound
the siren while immobilising the motorcycle. If your motorcycle is to be
serviced, just use the siren shutoff key to bypass the siren’s circuitry.
Self-Powered Siren
This siren has its own built-in back-up battery, so even if a thief cuts all the
wires, the siren will continue to wail. You may use the supplied keys to turn
off the siren for servicing.
Pla inVie w 2 Prog ra mming Switch
You can easily change the status of GP500’s numerous features at any time,
even while the engine is running. The programming mode of Clifford systems
require the entry of a secret PIN code The factory preset PIN code is “2.”
User’s Manual/299
How to e nte r your PIN Cod e for the first time
The PIN code provides two functions: to turn the alarm off in the event that
you cannot use your remote control and secondly, to access programming
mode. Your GP500 PIN code was set by the factory. You may want to
change the PIN code using the instructions provided to insure the utmost
vehicle security.
EXAMPLE: To ente r the fa ctory p re se t Pin cod e of 2, you
w ould p re ss a n d re le a se th e Pla in Vie w
sw itch
b uttons thusly: ✱✱ m a rke d , unm a rke d .
How to se t your PIN cod e
You may choose any 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-digit code, but the first digit must not be a
zero (e.g., 1023 is a valid code, 0123 would not be a valid code).
NO TE: You ma y NOT se le ct a cod e tha t b e g ins with a
ze ro. The first d ig it of your cod e m ust b e 1–9.
Exa mp le
To set a disarming code of 4301, you would do the following:
1. Enter program mode by turning on the ignition, entering your current
PIN code, then pressing and holding the PlainView 2 ✱ button for 3 seconds
until you hear a chirp.
2. Within 5 seconds, press and release the PlainView 2 ✱button 7 times. To
help you count, you will hear a chirp each time you press the ✱ button. After
7 presses, wait for a single chirp, then immediately enter your new PIN code.
Exa m p le : To e nte r 4301 a s your ne w cod e , you would
p re ss the sw itch b uttons in this m a nne r: ✱✱✱✱ b la n k
sid e , ✱✱✱ b la nk sid e , b la nk sid e , ✱ b la nk sid e .
3. Pause and wait for the 3-chirp confirmation.
4. Turn off the ignition to exit program mode (you’ll hear a 3-chirp
5. VERY IMPORTANT: You must immediately test your new PIN code.
Turn on the ignition, enter your new code, then press and hold the
unmarked button for 3 seconds. The LED will illuminate to indicate the
proper code change.
Prog ra mma b le fe a ture s
GP500 lets you set many of its features to your own preferences. Once you’ve
changed a few settings, you’ll find that programming GP500 is fast and easy!
The system features are preprogrammed as noted by the bold type in the
Table of programmable features beginning on pages 32. To change any of the
settings, use the steps noted below. To restore the feature to its factory
setting, just repeat the procedure.
User’s Manual/299
Ste p -b y-ste p p rog ra mming instructions
1. Refer to the Table of programmable features on page 32 and find the feature
you wish to program. Make note of the number of times to press the ✱
2. Turn the ignition on, or start the engine (skip this step if the engine is
3. Enter your PIN code, then press and hold the ✱ button of the PlainView 2
switch for about 3 seconds until you hear a siren chirp. Release the button.
You are now in Program mode.
4. Press and release the ✱ button of the PlainView 2 switch the number of times
indicated for the feature you are programming. You will hear one chirp each
time you press the ✱ button. Pause. You will hear a succession of chirps equal
to the number of times you pressed the ✱ button. This audibly confirms your
5. Perform the action, if any, in the “Secondary action ” column.
Pause . You will hear either one or two chirps: Two chirps= ON, one
chirp= OFF (If there is a NOTE for the selected feature, perform the
actions noted).
7. You may now select another feature or exit program mode:
If you m a ke a n e rror, just turn off the ig nition a nd sta rt
a g a in.
Ta b le of Prog ra mma b le Fea ture s
No. of
Prog ra m
comp le tion
a tion
time s to
p re ss
ond a ry
Fa ctory
Se tting
Ad d itiona l
Fe a ture
b utton
1 chirp = OFF
2 chirp s= ON
1 chirp = ON
2 chirp s= OFF
Chirp s
1 chirp = OFF
2 chirp s= ON
Se e b a ck
cove r of
ma nua l
for fa ctory
p re se t PIN
cod e
Ente r new
PIN cod e
a g a in,
syste m
p rovid e s 2
ne w PIN
cod e .
1 chirp = ne w
PIN cod e is
a cce p te d
Cha ng e PIN cod e
Wa it.
chirp s.
Se e p a g e
12 for
sta nd -
a rd
Pre ss
b utton I
a g a in,
syste m
p rovid e s 2
chirp s.
1 chirp = a ll
b uttons a re
p rog ra mme d
Auto Prog ra m Ne w
GP500 Re mote
re mote
b utton I
se tting s
User’s Manual/299
No. of
time s to
p re ss
Prog ra m
comp letion
a tion
ond a ry
Fa ctory
Se tting
Ad d itiona l
Fe a ture
b utton
Pre ss
Pre ss
re mote
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
to this
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
a g a in.
Syste m
p rovid e s 2
chirp s.
1 chirp =
b utton is
re a d y to b e
a ssig ne d to
the function
Prog ra m othe r
Clifford ACG-2
Re mote to
Arm/ Disa rm GP500
Pre ss
Pre ss
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
a g a in.
Syste m
p rovid e s 2
chirp s.
re mote
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
to this
2 chirp s=
b utton is
re a d y to b e
a ssig ne d to
the function
Prog ra m othe r
Clifford ACG-2
Re mote to Sile nt Arm
Pre ss
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
a g a in.
Syste m
p rovid e s 2
chirp s.
Pre ss
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
to this
3 chirp s=
b utton is
re a d y to b e
a ssig ne d to
the function
Prog ra m othe r
Clifford ACG-2
Re mote to Byp a ss
Insta nt AutoArming
for GP500
No. of
time s to
p re ss
Prog ra m
comp le tion
a tion
ond a ry
Fa ctory
Se tting
Ad d itiona l
Fe a ture
b utton
Pre ss
re mote
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
a g a in.
Syste m
p rovid e s 2
chirp s.
Pre ss
b utton to
b e
a ssig ne d
to this
4 chirp s=
b utton is
re a d y to b e
a ssig ne d to
the function
Prog ra m othe r
Clifford ACG-2
Re mote to Ad just
Pie zo Se nsor for
3 chirp s= a ll
re mote s a re
cle a re d from
syste m
re mote s in
syste m
Re p rog ra
m re mote s
a s
Cle a r All Re mote s
me mory
re q uire d .
me mory
User’s Manual/299
Your serial number is:
Pa ste se ria l numb e r sticke r he re
REGISTER O NLINE: Within 10 d a ys of p urcha se , you
m a y r e g iste r yo u r Cliffo r d p u r ch a se o n lin e a t
w w w.clifford .com / m a nua ls so tha t w e ca n conta ct you
in the future if the re a re a ny cha ng e s or im p rove m e nts
to your GP500 syste m . O r just p hotocop y this p a g e ,
note your na m e , a d d re ss a nd ve hicle m a ke , m od e l,
ye a r a nd VIN num b e r, the n m a il to us a t the a d d re ss
on the p re vious p a g e . THANKS!
Owner’s Manual/299
USA He a d q ua rters:
Clifford Electronics, Inc. 20750 La ssen Stre e t, Cha tsworth, CA 91311
Within USA: 1-800-824-3208
Phone : (818) 709-7551 Fa x: (818)407-1743
All Clifford syste ms a re cove re d b y
one or more of the following Clifford Ele ctronics USA
p a te nts:
4,158,874; 4,233,642; 4,327,444; 4,383,242; 4,430,685;
4,845,464; 4,887,064; 4,890,108; 4,922,224; 4,997,053;
5,081,667; 5,146,215; 5,157,375; 5,467,070; 5,650,744
a nd othe r p a te nts p e nd ing .
© Co p yrig ht Cliffo rd Ele c tro nic s, Inc ., 1999
31-840B/ USGPUM/ 399
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